Your Website Security
We offer 3 types of website security starting with backing up your site so that should the unthinkable happen you can revert back to a previous image. This option does not have any effect on changes or updates you may have performed and only affects the front end of our site. The backend is seperate and completely protected.
SSL Certificates offer end to end encryption to keep credit card numbers and passwords out of the view of spying eyes. Even your very own ISP may be snooping on your day to day, site to site, page to page movements. Our SSL certificates are the industry standard for encryption and recognized hte world over.
Malware is a fact of life today. No matter how many precautions we take there can still be code injected into a website with nefarious intent. Our Website Security suite offers a very low cost real time sweep and frequent deep scan of your website as it lives on the server. Buy having this you show your website visitors that you are taking every precaution to safeguard their transactions but also their viewing habits.