Theres a scumbag in Beaumont, and you may know him

This sorry excuse of a human walked out of
Beaumonts beloved Bicycle Sports with something he should not have…

Bicycle Sports on Interstate-10 with a very expensive bicycle, a Mercedes of the Bike World if you will. And these kinds of things are happening all over Beaumont. The action, the part where the sorry scumbag steals the bike happens about 1:15pm on Saturday. These videos were made in haste and have not been edited as of the posting of this notice. Somebody in town knows this guy. He may have already stolen from you or someone you know.

There is quite a bit of lead time

on these videos. It’s not to bore you, it’s so you will hopefully see a clear face. You are welcome to click the video and slide the progress bar to the right and find the 1:15pm time that the theft occured. But there may be shots where cockroach can be identified and reported to the authorities.

This webpage will be updated with more details soon, so check back.

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