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WordPress News

WordPress News

Automattic for Agencies x Endoh Collaborative: A Match Made in WordPress Heaven

Endoh Collaborative is blazing a unique and powerful trail as a queer-owned, feminist digital agency. Their aim is to create effective, engaging, and accessible websites and visual brands to help nonprofits, purpose-driven businesses, and progressive organizations. Ultimately, Endoh wants to empower their clients to grow, thrive, and make a lasting positive impact.

Aiding Endoh in their journey is Automattic for Agencies. With a unified dashboard—including site overviews and real-time monitoring—as well as a host of other client management tools, Endoh gained freedom and efficiency, allowing them to spend time on their clients rather than their infrastructure.

Become an Automattic partner and gain access to discounted pricing, commissions on referrals, premier support, and cutting‑edge tooling.


WordPress News

Customizable Footer Credits Are Here 

From the earliest days of WordPress.com, the bottom of every site on our platform has featured a default phrase in the footer credit area. Today, we’re handing the reigns over to you: every website using a block theme, on every plan, can customize the footer credit to say anything at all. 

That footer space offers a small and potent opportunity to showcase your creativity and unique tastes. Whether you’re buttoned up or just plain silly or somewhere between, visitors will get a little hint as to the personality behind the brand. 


Made with love and WordPress

Brought to you by the best minds on the planet

Handmade with care since 2003  

Bob Ross rocks  

Okay, that last one was my six-year-old daughter’s idea. But you get the picture: you have total freedom to display anything you want in the footer credit—or nothing at all. Of course we’d be honored if you still include WordPress.com in your footer, but no harm, no foul if not. 

Not using a block theme? Make the switch 

This new customization is only available on sites using block themes. These are themes that use blocks for every part of the site, whereas “classic” themes are still utilizing CSS and other coded elements. 

You can find out which type of theme your site is using by hovering over “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your dashboard. If you see “Editor,” you’re using a block theme. If you don’t, you’re using a classic theme. 

We’re big advocates of using block themes, as these unlock the most powerful WordPress features available today. If you need help converting your theme, check out this handy guide

How to customize your site’s footer credit 

In about 30 seconds flat, you can have a custom footer credit: 

Access your Site Editor from the “Edit Site” button in the top menu bar when on your website’s homepage. You can also find it from “Appearance” on the left-side menu of your main dashboard. (Click here if you need help finding it.

Scroll down to the footer credit (i.e. “Designed with WordPress”) 

Edit the text as you would in any other block on your site. 

Save your changes and you’re all set. 

Keep in mind that you can edit and add nearly any block in the footer area—text, social links, images, buttons, etc. 

Just like that, you have more options at your fingertips. That’s what we’re always striving for at WordPress.com. If you’re not on a block theme yet, we strongly encourage you to make that switch. Choose one today: 

Let us know in the comments what you think of this new feature and always feel free to drop in ideas for other things you’d like to see. 


WordPress News

WordPress 6.6 Is Here

A few times a year, the WordPress open source software gets a major update, providing users with new capabilities, regular refinements, and important bug fixes. With hundreds of fixes and enhancements, WordPress 6.6 brings a new level of creativity, usability, and efficiency to your WordPressing.  

Here’s a quick tour of what this latest update offers folks on WordPress.com, starting with some of the basics about WordPress 6.6. 

Table of Contents

The basics More efficient views and navigation in the Site Editor Unified and updated publishing flow Override synced patterns with custom content Automatic plugin rollbacks New design elementsSite background image Negative margins All-new grid support Custom default shadow styles Section-specific stylesBlock Bindings API upgrades And more! 

The basics 

WordPress 6.6 is available right now and has likely already landed on your WordPress.com site. You may notice that many of these new features have been available on your site(s) for a few weeks or even months; we often roll out updates in waves on WordPress.com to allow for early access, testing, and iteration before these major updates are more widely released. 

Sites on WordPress.com are updated automatically. If you run into issues or bugs, always feel free to reach out to our expert Happiness Engineers at wordpress.com/help.  

More efficient views and navigation in the Site Editor 

The last couple major WordPress releases have dramatically reimagined the Site Editor experience. With 6.6 you’ll see a new side-by-side default layout when viewing and editing pages. 

Pattern management has also been better integrated, ensuring more efficient navigation and fewer clicks to get where you want to be. 

Amidst these bigger changes are a number of small enhancements to keyboard navigation, bulk editing actions, and the overall design and functionality of the Site Editor. 

Unified and updated publishing flow 

If you’ve spent time in the Site Editor, you’ll have noticed that it used to offer a fairly different experience from the page/post editor. WordPress 6.6 now offers a shared workflow for publishing, leading to smoother interactions when navigating between various elements of your site. 

As part of this unification, there’s also an update to the layout and design of the publish flow with more prominent displays for the title, publishing status, and featured image.

For all the plugin and theme developers out there, this particular update also makes it easier to extend the editor. Both the post/page editor and Site Editor now use the same slots and extensibility APIs

For users, this means a lot more plugins will be able to bring exciting features into the editor. For plugin developers, it means that it’s easier to implement your code to extend the editor’s capabilities.

Override synced patterns with custom content 

This new feature allows for editing specific blocks even when you’re utilizing synced patterns and styles. For example, if you have a pattern for a stylized button CTA, you can use this override feature to use different copy or even colors for different pages and button locations, while maintaining common elements. 

You can “Enable Overrides” from the “Advanced” section of the Paragraph, Heading, Buttons, and Image blocks, with more block support planned for the future.

Automatic plugin rollbacks 

When it comes to plugin management, WordPress.com offers unparalleled reliability and redundancy. In addition to the scheduled plugin updates that we recently introduced, WordPress core now offers automatic rollbacks when a plugin update fails. 

If you don’t utilize scheduled updates, your plugins will update automatically when new versions become available. 

In the past, if a plugin update failed, WordPress would leave the plugin inactive, which might render some parts of your website unusable or broken. In WordPress 6.6, the plugin is rolled back to the previous version, ensuring continuity with your site until you can diagnose and fix the issue. 

New design elements

WordPress 6.6 offers a handful of new customization options for designing and stylizing your site. Let’s explore the most impactful new features. 

Site background image 

Make an immediate visual splash with the new site-wide background image option in the Site Editor. Whether it’s a striking full-bleed photo or a whimsical graphic pattern, you have the freedom to choose size, position, and repetition. 

Negative margins 

You can now set negative margins for any block, allowing for more granular margin control. This enables users to more easily create overlapping design elements. Note that negative values must be entered manually rather than with the slider. 

All-new grid support 

With the Grid and Grid Layout blocks, you can quickly create professional-looking grids for your images, testimonials, videos, and more. The “Auto” option automatically generates mobile-responsive rows and columns while the “Manual” option provides more granular control. 

Custom default shadow styles 

From the Styles menu, you can now edit shadow effects, including changing the default shadow style for images, buttons, and more. You can also add your own shadow styles, giving your total control over this subtle and powerful design element. 

Section-specific styles

Here’s one for the theme builders out there. With WordPress 6.6, you have the option to define style variations for specific sections of a site, not just the theme as a whole. To enable this, you’ll have to edit your theme’s theme.json file and declare the style variation (click here for instructions). Once that’s set up, you will be able to quickly modify the styles of several blocks for areas like headers, footers, content sections, and more. 

As a bonus, section styles also work flawlessly with content imported from our public pattern collection.

Block Bindings API upgrades 

This release makes Block Bindings easier to use and more powerful. Originally available since WordPress 6.5, this feature allows users to connect (or “bind”) the content of a block to the data of a custom field. Here’s how to create that in a post. WordPress 6.6 takes it one step further by enabling the option to edit custom field data by just updating the block in the editor.

And more! 

There are hundreds of updates to WordPress in the 6.6 release. What we’ve highlighted above is a just taste of the most notable and visible features. If you’re a developer and want to look under the hood a bit more, you can find the full slate of goodies in this WordPress 6.6 Field Guide.  

Click below if you’re a developer and want to leverage the benefits of hosting your sites with WordPress.com:

*Photo and video credit: WordPress.org


WordPress News

How We Built It: my.blog

When Automattic launched the .blog domain extension back in 2016, our in-house team built a shiny new website to go with it. The vibe of my.blog very much matched the era, featuring a simple layout, a generic color palette, and a “just the basics” approach to the content and overall messaging. 

The previous iteration of my.blog did its job well, but was due for a redesign.

Eight years later, it was time for a refresh. 

Our special projects team recently revisited my.blog, giving it a totally new aesthetic and approach, as well as some cool new features. In this post, we’re going to give you a peek behind the curtain about how this new site came to be. The fresh design beautifully showcases what’s possible with WordPress. 

Take a look around my.blog and don’t forget to grab a .blog domain while you’re at it!  

Design inspo 

The first step for our team was to nail down a design motif. For any website project, starting here sets the tone for the entire site. What are the colors, styling, and typographical elements that speak to what you’re trying to get across?

Our design team presented two beautiful options, each with their pros and cons:  

The fluid layout of the lighter version, codenamed Lemon Softness, really stood out, whereas the tile or card layout of the darker version, codenamed Starfield, looked nice, but felt like more of the same on today’s web. 

On the other hand, the dark aesthetic of Starfield spoke a little more to our future-facing sensibilities. 

Ultimately, we combined them. The layout of Lemon Softness is what you’ll see on my.blog today (including a few very cool scrolling animations), while the Starfield inspiration shows up in Dark Mode toggle (the moon/sun icon on the top right). Also check out the “glass morphism” effect in the header at the top of the site, which blurs the imagery just a bit so that you can clearly read and navigate the menu.

Blogger inspo 

Of course, it’s not all about the design. Along with the bold new look, our team included a few features that will inspire bloggers of all stripes and encourage getting back into the habit. After all, blogging is actually thriving in our social media world. 

First, we wanted to ensure that “dotbloggers” (folks who use a .blog domain) were highlighted right on the front page. This carousel pulls posts from the “dotblogger” blog category

Just a bit further down on the page, we decided to feature .blog sites; this carousel is actually populated dynamically from a .blog domain database. 

Finally, the team wanted to emphasize how powerful blogging can be. Just as “the death of the novel” has been overblown for at least 100 years, “the death of blogging” is a regular fixture of online discourse. The reality is that more people than ever before are blogging and seeing the value of having a corner of the internet that’s all theirs. To this end, we spent time crafting a manifesto that speaks to this: 

We hold this truth at the center of our mission and vision: content is valuable. When you publish online—whatever you publish—you are declaring your willingness to create and add something to our world.

Owning your domain means that you’re not at the whims of an ever-changing algorithm. It’s a claim of ownership and independence. A .blog domain is more than that—it’s a signal and a badge of authenticity that declares your particular corner of the internet as a space for stories, expressions, thoughts, and ideas. You’re an original.

A .blog domain is more than just the dynamic pillar of your online presence (though it is that too). It’s a stage for all of the utterly unique ways you share your story—in words, photographs, videos, podcasts, artwork, and more.

Resources for days 

Beyond the glitz and glamor, the .blog website also needs to provide practical resources for both registrars and dotbloggers. On the registrar side, our team made it especially convenient to access promotional content and visual marketing assets. When it comes to bloggers looking for a domain, the search page provides real-time results for what’s available and where you can purchase it. 

As a reminder, you can also buy a .blog domain directly from WordPress.com/domains—for just $2.20 for the first year, or for free if you purchase any annual paid plan.  

Take a look for yourself 

No need to take our word on the great job our special projects team did with the new my.blog website. Head over, click around, grab your own memorable domain name, and start (or restart) blogging today. 


WordPress News

How to Create a Beautiful and Functional Site for Your WordPress Meetup Group

A few weeks ago at WordCamp Europe we announced free sites for local WordPress meetup groups. This initiative aims to support the WordPress community by providing free world-class hosting to promote your local meetups.

Today we’re bringing you a set of easy-to-use templates, along with some ideas on how to customize your community site. Let’s dive in! 

Building a WordPress community website

WordPress.com offers a huge variety of themes, but if you’re looking for a place to start, you can’t go wrong with Twenty Twenty-Four. It’s a community project, comes with a professional, polished look, and offers plenty of built-in patterns that make site building a breeze. It also lends itself beautifully to customization.

Twenty Twenty-Four already has a lot going for it, but we decided to take it a step further and offer a couple of custom, community-focused page layouts to go along with it. Our stylish homepage and events page templates will seamlessly integrate with your site. 

The homepage layout includes a welcome message, stats section, upcoming events, a blog, and a call for speakers. All of these are optional and can be removed or re-arranged as needed. Plus, you can supplement them with other patterns from the catalog, like social icons to promote your local group’s social media presence.

Let’s have a look!

Getting started with templates

First, you’ll want to activate the Twenty Twenty-Four theme on your site. Next, follow these steps to set up your homepage:

Create a static page.

In the “Add a page” modal select the “Events” category on the left, and pick the desired layout, following these steps

Set the page template to “Page No Title.”

Set your custom page as the homepage in the Settings → Reading section following these steps.

Repeat as necessary for the Events page, and any other page that you might want to add to your site, like About, Contact, or Blog.

The above page layouts can also be found in our pattern library in the Events category.

Customization options

Once you’ve applied a template, it’s time to make it your own. Customizing your site to match your group’s vision is easy. Don’t forget to grab official WordPress logos and other visual assets.

Change fonts and colors

Experiment with fonts and colors to make your design unique. Twenty Twenty-Four theme comes with six style variations that include different colors and fonts, and can be further adjusted as needed.

Swap template parts

Use the power of Site Editor to change the header and footer of your site. Twenty Twenty-Four comes with a selection of built-in options for the site headers and footers, so take your pick!

Add links to social media profiles

Use the Social Icons block to display logos that link to your social media profiles anywhere on your site.

Update your Meetup.com group page

Once your local community website is ready, don’t forget to add the link to your group description and the “Find us” section on your official Meetup.com page.

Over to you

We are committed to providing the best tools and resources for the WordPress community. What other patterns or templates would be useful for your meetup site? Share your thoughts and suggestions with us—we’re here to help you succeed!


WordPress News

How to Create a Beautiful and Functional Site for Your WordPress Meetup Group

A few weeks ago at WordCamp Europe we announced free sites for local WordPress meetup groups. This initiative aims to support the WordPress community by providing free world-class hosting to promote your local meetups.

Today we’re bringing you a set of easy-to-use templates, along with some ideas on how to customize your community site. Let’s dive in! 

Building a WordPress community website

WordPress.com offers a huge variety of themes, but if you’re looking for a place to start, you can’t go wrong with Twenty Twenty-Four. It’s a community project, comes with a professional, polished look, and offers plenty of built-in patterns that make site building a breeze. It also lends itself beautifully to customization.

Twenty Twenty-Four already has a lot going for it, but we decided to take it a step further and offer a couple of custom, community-focused page layouts to go along with it. Our stylish homepage and events page templates will seamlessly integrate with your site. 

The homepage layout includes a welcome message, stats section, upcoming events, a blog, and a call for speakers. All of these are optional and can be removed or re-arranged as needed. Plus, you can supplement them with other patterns from the catalog, like social icons to promote your local group’s social media presence.

Let’s have a look!

Getting started with templates

First, you’ll want to activate the Twenty Twenty-Four theme on your site. Next, follow these steps to set up your homepage:

Create a static page.

In the “Add a page” modal select the “Events” category on the left, and pick the desired layout, following these steps

Set the page template to “Page No Title.”

Set your custom page as the homepage in the Settings → Reading section following these steps.

Repeat as necessary for the Events page, and any other page that you might want to add to your site, like About, Contact, or Blog.

The above page layouts can also be found in our pattern library in the Events category.

Customization options

Once you’ve applied a template, it’s time to make it your own. Customizing your site to match your group’s vision is easy. Don’t forget to grab official WordPress logos and other visual assets.

Change fonts and colors

Experiment with fonts and colors to make your design unique. Twenty Twenty-Four theme comes with six style variations that include different colors and fonts, and can be further adjusted as needed.

Swap template parts

Use the power of Site Editor to change the header and footer of your site. Twenty Twenty-Four comes with a selection of built-in options for the site headers and footers, so take your pick!

Add links to social media profiles

Use the Social Icons block to display logos that link to your social media profiles anywhere on your site.

Update your Meetup.com group page

Once your local community website is ready, don’t forget to add the link to your group description and the “Find us” section on your official Meetup.com page.

Over to you

We are committed to providing the best tools and resources for the WordPress community. What other patterns or templates would be useful for your meetup site? Share your thoughts and suggestions with us—we’re here to help you succeed!


WordPress News

6 Surprising Things You Can Do on WordPress.com Without a Plugin 

“WordPress” and “plugins” are often thought to be synonymous. The two go together like peanut butter and jam, like summer and watermelon, like yin and yang . . . you get the idea. It often seems like you can’t have one without the other. While plugins are indeed one way to supercharge your WordPress.com site, the truth is that there’s a lot you can do without ever installing a plugin. In fact, I can almost guarantee that our out-of-the-box WordPress.com experience is more powerful than you think.

(Quick reminder: WordPress plugins are available and installable on our Creator and Entrepreneur plans.) 

Today, we’d like to highlight six surprising things you can do with WordPress.com from the moment you start building a website. 

Sell digital products and accept donations 

There’s no plugin needed to make a living or earn some cash on the side by selling digital products like ebooks, songs, or photographs on WordPress.com. With our built-in payment blocks Payment Buttons, Pay with PayPal, and Donations Form, you’re one click away from collecting money on your website. Best of all? Most of these blocks can be used on any plan, including Free, the exception being the PayPal block, which requires the Explorer plan or above. 

Simply connect your Stripe account to get started selling today.

Prevent spam 

Just like the spam comments and messages you’re trying to block, the number of anti-spam plugins has proliferated in recent years. Luckily, you don’t need any of them, because Akismet, an Automattic product, is baked into every WordPress.com website and provided at no extra cost. With advanced filtering that blocks 99.99% of spam, you’ll never have to worry about unwanted visitors again.  

Install SSL certificates 

On WordPress.com websites, SSL certificates are provided free of charge and automatically installed for you. This feature provides important security against hackers and other malicious actors, particularly if your website collects user information of any kind. At other hosts, you’ll often have to either pay extra or install your own (expensive) plugin in order to add an SSL certificate. Not at WordPress.com. Learn more about our SSL process here.  

Send newsletters 

Since 2009 WordPress.com has had the built-in functionality of sending new posts as emails. That’s right, you don’t need a third-party service or platform (like Mailchimp or Substack) to send newsletter emails to your audience. Using a Subscribe block gives visitors a simple and convenient way to enter their email and get your posts right to their inbox. 

You can also set up paywalls (with the Paywall block) and paid content tiers, allowing for multiple subscription levels. Additionally, you can view and manage subscriber details from the Subscribers page (found under “Jetpack” on the left-side menu). Learn more at WordPress.com/newsletters

Embed videos 

Videos can be a vitally important part of your website and content flow, but uploading them can be a pain in the neck—if you’re not using WordPress, that is. If you’re embedding a video from another source, like Vimeo or YouTube, use our built-in blocks of the same name. And here’s a helpful tip: you don’t even need to select the block first. Simply copy and paste the video link right into the editor, and WordPress will automagically do the rest. 

For embedding your original video files (.mov, .mp4, .mwv, etc.), Automattic’s very own VideoPress block offers a straightforward and robust solution. With caption and chapter support, as well as detailed data and insights on views, once you try out VideoPress you won’t look back. This feature is available on Explorer plans and above. 

Insert impressive image galleries 

Well-done imagery on a website can mean the difference between an engaged visitor and a bounced visitor. Rather than experimenting with overly complicated plugins, use the various image blocks that come with WordPress. Our Gallery, Slideshow, and Image Compare blocks are especially fun and offer a range of easy-to-use customizations that don’t overwhelm. Plus, these blocks are always optimized for mobile.   

Start building today 

This is just a sampling of what you can do with WordPress.com. We didn’t even mention some of our favorite blocks, including: table of contents, music/podcast player, countdown timer, tables, and so much more. 

Ready to explore these powerful built-ins? Get started today:  

You may still find that using plugins solves your specific needs a bit better than what’s already built into the editor. If that’s the case, consider our world-class Creator or Entrepreneur plan. 


WordPress News

Hot Off the Press: New WordPress.com Themes for June 2024

The WordPress.com team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, including great options for crafters, legal firms, and artists.


Craftfully is a magazine-style WordPress theme designed for all things homemade, DIY, crafts, and hobbies. Utilizing plenty of white pace, lighter colors, and playful fonts, this theme delightfully evokes a sense of playfulness and DIY creativity. Below a prominent featured section and newsletter sign-up box, a two-column layout displays the “Latest Posts” as well as a short bio and social links. Craftfully is more than just a theme, it’s a canvas for your imagination.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Though Portia is simple in its design and layout, it sends a powerful message: your firm is the best in the industry. With a focus on conveying professionalism, stability, and dependability, Portia is built with legal firms in mind, but is versatile enough to work for any business that relies on trustworthiness and respectability. You won’t find any rock-the-boat design elements here. It’s all about communicating the right information at the right time.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Kiosko is a sleek and modern WooCommerce theme tailored for online stores specializing in art prints and home goods. With its high contrast black and white design, Kiosko offers a minimalist aesthetic that puts the spotlight on your products. It’s straightforward and effective, meaning you can focus on your art and your sales rather than your infrastructure.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

Dark Academia

Dark Academia is a blog theme with a dark, moody aesthetic. Its sophisticated layout will especially stand out to visitors. The sticky left half features your site’s name and the primary navigation menu, while the right half scrolls through your latest posts. This style is perfect for blogs focused on literature, history, and fashion, and it’s naturally deal for those who appreciate the Dark Academia vibe. The elegant and immersive reading experience will make your site memorable for anyone who happens by it.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


OnyxPulse is a sleek WordPress theme with a modern, minimalist design, perfect for blogs about design, future trends, and innovation. Its grid layout and high-contrast visuals are ideal for showcasing cutting-edge content and engaging a tech-savvy audience. The striking black-and-white color palette and sharp design elements are sure to catch your visitors’ eye. For the typography, we’ve opted for Chakra Petch, a square sans-serif font; its sharply tapered corners are a perfect match for this theme.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

To install any of the above themes, click the name of the theme you like, which brings you right to the installation page. Then click the “Activate this design” button. You can also click “Open live demo,” which brings up a clickable, scrollable version of the theme for you to preview.

Premium themes are available to use at no extra charge for customers on the Explorer plan or above. Partner themes are third-party products that can be purchased for $99/year each on the Creator plan and above.

You can explore all of our themes by navigating to the “Themes” page, which is found under “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your WordPress.com dashboard. Or you can click below:


WordPress News

Five Takeaways from WordCamp Europe 2024 (From a First-Time WordCamp Attendee)

This year’s WordCamp Europe was held in Torino, Italy, the capital city of the Piedmont region in northern Italy. Torino is known for its rich automotive history, beautiful architecture, and, of course, incredible food.

From June 13-15, 2024, over 2,500 folks from the WordPress community, including many of us from the WordPress.com team, came together to learn, connect, and give back to the WordPress project that powers over 43% of the entire internet.

I joined the WordPress.com team back in January of this year, so WordCamp Europe 2024 was my first WordCamp experience. In today’s post, I thought it might be interesting to hear about the conference from a first-timer, especially if you’re considering attending a WordCamp or WordPress meetup in the future. 

Here are my top five takeaways from my very first WordCamp:

1. In-person connection is powerful.

If your typical workday looks similar to mine––sitting at a desk at your house all day by yourself––going to a conference as large as WordCamp Europe may be a wee bit out of your comfort zone. It certainly was out of mine.

That said, I’ve recently found myself craving in-person connection after the pandemic and working almost exclusively from home for over eight years. Not only did attending this conference just get me out of my normal routine, it allowed me to connect with folks who love the tool I’ve used personally and professionally for over a decade: WordPress.

I staffed the WordPress.com booth, so I had a ton of opportunities to chat with other business owners, developers, creators, and makers over the course of the conference. I actually talked with a few fellow self-taught women developers like me, and I walked away feeling inspired, motivated, and just really thankful to be a part of this community.

But the best conversations happened in places I wouldn’t have expected: over spritzes, grabbing a cafe at the venue, or just walking around the city.

Embracing connection was a big focus of Matt’s final keynote speech during the event, and I couldn’t agree more. Events like WordCamps allow for swapping ideas, collaborating and troubleshooting, and experiencing a sense of community that you just don’t get while sitting behind a computer. 

That said, if large-scale conferences like a flagship WordCamp just aren’t for you, try checking out a local WordPress meetup to connect with other like-minded folks in your community.

2. It takes a ton of people to make WordCamps great.

One of the most moving parts of WordCamp Europe was at the very end when all of the volunteers and organizers were called to the stage; it’s truly amazing just how many people need to be involved to make an event like WordCamp actually happen.

Screenshot from the WordCamp Europe 2024 livestream on YouTube

Everything was smooth and well-organized, and the volunteers and organizers could not have been more helpful. Their enthusiasm about the event, WordPress, and community in general throughout the conference was infectious.

WordCamps and local WordPress meetups are always looking for volunteers; donating your time and expertise for events and meetups like this are a great way to give back to the WordPress project and community.

And if you’re an organizer of your local WordPress meetup, check out this post for information on how you can get a free WordPress.com website for your local meetup.

3. Contributor Day isn’t intimidating for a first-timer.

I’ve never contributed to WordPress core, but it was one of my goals for this year. That’s why I was so excited to participate in Contributor Day at WordCamp Europe.

If you’re unfamiliar with Contributor Day, it’s an event that usually kicks off a WordCamp. Teams focus on contributing to the WordPress open source project, with groups focused on code, support, translations, sustainability, inclusion, and more.

After listening to all of the team presentations, I decided to join the Accessibility team. Accessibility is something that has always interested me, but it’s also something I don’t have a ton of experience with.

That said, my inexperience wasn’t just accepted, it was actively welcomed.

Once I got to the Accessibility team table, I was immediately greeted and welcomed. Then I paired with a fellow contributor, Marco Acato from Acato Digital Agency, to test the accessibility of a new theme for the WordPress theme repository.

I learned so much, asked a ton of questions, and felt surprisingly accomplished after just a few hours of testing this theme. We were actually able to publish feedback for the theme developer at the end of the day as well. 

Contributor Day gave me an even deeper appreciation for the entire community that supports the WordPress project every single day. So much work and effort goes into maintaining and improving this tool that millions of websites across the world rely on to run their businesses, amplify their messages, and stay in touch with others. I felt so grateful to have been a part of it during Contributor Day and would encourage any other first-timers to attend a Contributor Day in the future as well.

Luckily, WordPress core is always looking for volunteers and contributors; check out this guide or the new Contributor Mentorship Program if you’re interested in becoming a contributor yourself.

4. Torino was a great host city, and the WordCamp team made navigating a new city easy.

Between attending Contributor Day and sessions, to checking out sponsor booths and attending side events, I didn’t think we’d have a ton of time to actually see the city or Torino.

I actually had plenty of time to explore with my coworkers, eat pizza every single day, and scope out the best gelato spots outside of conference hours. 

The WordCamp Europe team did a great job preparing attendees to make the most of our time in the city as well; their travel guides helped me feel confident navigating the city and finding some of the foods that come from this area in Italy.

As a first-timer in Torino, I really appreciated the extra work that the WordCamp team did to ensure everyone had a chance to explore and experience the city.

5. Pizza really is poetry.

I would be remiss to not mention the food that we ate during our time in our host city! While we like to say that “Code is poetry” around here, so is pizza. 

One of my very favorite memories from the event was the branding. The design team for WordCamp Europe 2024 added subtle nods to our host country throughout the venue, which was incredibly clever and well-done.

And while pizza is indeed poetry, it’s even better when shared amongst coworkers, friends, and people who get excited about the same things that excite you.

Wrapping up

I loved my time at WordCamp Europe, and I’m already looking forward to the next time I can connect face-to-face with the WordPress community. 

Were you at WordCamp Europe this year? Leave a comment with your favorite memory from the event below.

WordPress News

Your Eagle-Eyed Host: Inside WordPress.com’s World-Class Security Features

It’s never been easier to create a website—especially with WordPress.com—but keeping that site secure can be challenging. When you host with WordPress.com, though, we do the heavy lifting for you and let you focus on the fun of creating your dream website. Whether you’re a blogger, entrepreneur, or hobbyist, our top-notch security features safeguard your site day and night so that you don’t need to stress. 

Whether you’ve known about it or not, we’ve long been scanning and monitoring your site’s files to catch and remove threats. Let’s dig in just a bit more. 

Built-in protection at your fingertips

Scan history is available on higher-tier plans

Using Automattic’s homegrown Jetpack software, every WordPress.com site is scanned on a daily basis for dangerous plugins, themes, malware, and other vulnerabilities. Once weaknesses are spotted, our security team swiftly resolves the issues, updating or reverting files as needed depending on the problem. 

Perhaps the best part is that we offer this peace of mind for free, on every plan. This certainly isn’t the case everywhere. Many WordPress hosts charge for the type of protection that WordPress.com offers on all of our website plans.  

Plus, you don’t have to do a thing to activate or maintain these security features. Our scanning tools are up and running as soon as your site is created. You can rest easy knowing that you have the web’s best security guards working on your behalf.

Why does website security even matter? 

It’s possible you’ve never before thought of the importance of website security. The reality of the modern web, however, is that bad actors are out there looking to take advantage of you and your site’s visitors. 

If your site is hacked, it’s liable to cause serious damage to your reputation and your livelihood (not to mention your emotional well-being). Hackers can manipulate your website’s data, steal information from you or your users (including passwords), install and execute malicious code, and even distribute the malicious code to your visitors, infecting their sites and machines. It’s not an insignificant problem or threat, that’s for sure. 

Jetpack’s web application firewall (WAF) monitors every request to your site and blocks requests from anything malicious. Our team of security experts continually updates the web application firewall’s rules to ensure you are protected against the most up‑to‑date threats. You don’t have time for downtime. 

Even more robust security tools are available 

On our higher-tier plans you also have access to the scan history, which shows a record of all previous threats on your site. Additionally, you’ll have access to real-time backups, real-time security scans, malware removal, spam protection, and vulnerability notifications for core code and plugins.

Set it and forget it 

At WordPress.com, we want you dreaming big rather than spending your energy worrying about your website’s security. This is why we provide automatically-installed best-in-class monitoring with no extra charge, on every single plan. 

And our security features will grow right alongside you; whether your dream is to blog about your adorable cats, highlight your stunning landscape photography, or build a home base for your budding technology startup, we have your back. Learn more about all our security features or get started building right now:

WordPress News

WordPress.com Partner Spotlight: Do the Woo 4.0

Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Bob Dunn, founder of Do the Woo, a podcast channel elevating voices of the WooCommerce and WordPress community.

It was early 2023, and I’d been searching for the perfect direction for Do the Woo, the podcast and site we first launched in 2016. I’d made some small steps, but I hadn’t yet found the grand recipe. I just knew that with the shows changing format, the site needed to as well.

Finally, it came to me, as clear as day. 

If I was going to do a major site redesign, I wanted it to be built on blocks. I wanted a full-site editor. And I wanted a hosting platform that would take care of things so I could focus on the content. That meant WordPress.com. 

So that fall, around the time of WordCamp US, I sent Matt Mullenweg a message. Just as I’d shared ideas with Matt in the past, I did so now—except now was my vision for the next Do the Woo, and the platform I thought it should be built upon. Incredibly, he saw what I saw, and not long after a dream partnership formed: I began working with WordPress.com’s special projects team on the next version of Do the Woo. 

Between then and now, a lot has happened. A lot of wireframes, a lot of discussion, a lot of iteration. The WordPress.com team has done incredible work throughout. During my visit to CloudFest in Germany, we even soft-launched the new site. But now it’s official. Today, on the first day of WordCamp Europe, I’m excited to announce Do the Woo 4.0: the podcast by WordPress and WooCommerce builder and business community, for the community. 

There are so many things I could tell you about the new site, but it’s all right there on DotheWoo.io, so head over there to learn about our launch. And stay tuned—there’s lots of exciting stuff in the works. 

This wouldn’t have happened without the folks from WordPress.com, WooCommerce, and Jetpack. I’m thrilled with what they’ve done with the site, and even more thrilled that my new home is on WordPress.com. I can’t wait for you to join our journey. Let’s do the Woo! 

WordPress News

Say Hello to the Hosting Dashboard

At WordPress.com, we’re always striving to make your web management experience as seamless as possible. Our latest update marks another significant step in that direction. Today, we’re happy to share a new unified dashboard where you can manage and view your sites and domains. 

Whether you’re a blogger, a small business owner, or a developer, this interface was designed with your needs in mind.

Let’s explore! And if you want to try it out yourself before getting a tour, simply head to WordPress.com/sites.

Navigate multiple sites with ease 

Getting a bird’s-eye view of your WordPress.com sites has never been easier. With our new site management panel, your admin tools have been brought into one place. In addition to finding a comprehensive summary of your site’s plan and storage usage, you also have access to “Quick actions” like “Write post,” “See Jetpack Stats,” and more. 

If your site is on a plugin-enabled Creator or Entrepreneur plan, there are tabs for developer-friendly tools like the latest GitHub deployments, server logs, staging sites, and additional server configuration settings.  

This intuitive new dashboard serves as a convenient bridge between the global view of all your sites and individual site management within wp-admin.

Centralized domain management 

When you reach the Domains page, you’ll see a list of all your domains that are registered with us, regardless of whether they’re connected to a WordPress.com site. In addition to quickly seeing each domain’s expiration date and status (“Active,” “Expiring soon,” etc.), you can easily access DNS records, contact information, and other settings. 

Install and update plugins, too  

When you land on the Plugins page, you’ll immediately find yourself at the built-in marketplace. From here, you can search for new plugins and then add them to one of your sites with ease. You can also manage and create schedules for updating your plugins rather than relying on manual updates.  

One more thing: wp-admin at your fingertips 

For those of you with websites on plugin-enabled plans (Creator and Entrepreneur), you now have the option of seeing the classic wp-admin dashboard instead of the WordPress.com “My Home” page. This is especially useful for folks who utilize multiple WordPress hosts, often on behalf of clients, and want to have the same visual experience between every site. Or, perhaps you learned the ropes with that classic WordPress dashboard and don’t want to leave it behind.  

To enable the wp-admin interface, visit “Settings” → “General” and then scroll down to the “Admin interface style” section. From there you can select “Classic” (wp-admin) or “Default.”  

We’re just getting started

At WordPress.com, we’re continuously refining and improving our platform based on your feedback. This streamlined dashboard is just one step along the bigger journey. We want to hear from you—your insights drive our innovation. So, dive in, explore the new features, and let us know what you think!

WordPress News

Preventing WordPress Design Disasters

Broken images, mismatched colors, and menu links that go nowhere—we’ve all experienced these design disasters online. Sometimes, these problems are caused by clients accidentally breaking something when accessing a website’s backend. In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland provides five ideas for how builders and clients can work together to prevent the kinds of problems that keep people from engaging with a website.  

Ready to get going? Get started with WordPress.com today:

WordPress News

Maximize Your Agency’s Potential by Partnering With Automattic and WordPress.com

Automattic, WordPress’s parent company, is home to an unbeatable suite of publishing and small business tools. Jetpack, built into every WordPress.com site, offers performance, security, and growth tools. WooCommerce is trusted by more than 3.6 million online shops, making it the number-one open source ecommerce platform on the internet. And our very own hosting solutions at WordPress.com are ideal for freelancers, developers, and agencies alike. 

Today, we’re bringing all those services under one roof by launching a new program—one that gives agencies robust tools, dedicated support, and extensive resources so they can thrive like never before. Welcome to Automattic for Agencies

Boost your agency’s revenue by streamlining operations via new multi-site purchasing and management tools, opening new revenue streams with our robust referral program (which includes great bonuses and incentives), and enhancing your client offerings through re-selling a diverse range of services. With new volume discounts for WordPress.com hosting (more on that below), you can even save money while you take advantage of our unparalleled support and web infrastructure.

Table of contents

What Automattic for Agencies offers Elevated earningsA centralized dashboard for seamless operationsUnparalleled integrated supportSecurity and confidence with every updateDiscounts, incentives, and bonuses—oh my! Who is this program for?Learn more about Automattic for Agencies 

What Automattic for Agencies offers 

Elevated earnings

As a valued member of our agency program, you’ll be able to refer and resell a suite of Automattic products from hosting to e-commerce solutions, and enjoy additional bonuses for certain products. You’ll have all the tools you need to supercharge your client’s websites and expand your revenue streams.

A centralized dashboard for seamless operations

Our all-in-one dashboard has been designed from the ground up for maximum efficiency. Simplify your billing and site management processes, purchase and resell products with flexible billing options, and manage multiple client sites with ease.

Unparalleled integrated support

Our integrated support system spans across the Automattic universe, providing your agency with consistent and cohesive technical help and driving faster project turnaround times.

Security and confidence with every update

Receive instant notifications about updates or security alerts, and apply those updates swiftly to maintain peak site performance and security.

Discounts, incentives, and bonuses—oh my! 

As a referrer of WordPress.com’s services, your agency will receive a 20% revenue share on new subscriptions and 50% on new migrations to WordPress.com from other hosting providers. And through the end of July 2024, we’re throwing in an additional $100 bonus for every referred migration. 

We’re also happy to introduce volume discounts on WordPress.com hosting. Discounts start when you purchase a minimum of three sites through our program. At 10 sites or more, the cost is just $10/month per site.   

Click here to learn more about these incentives, as well as those for Jetpack and WooCommerce. 

Who is this program for?

Automattic for Agencies is tailor-made for agencies that deliver custom solutions catering to the unique demands of their clients. It’s an ideal match for medium-sized agencies offering a full spectrum of digital services.

If you’re interested in earning commissions by recommending Automattic’s products and services to a wider audience, consider joining the Automattic Affiliates program. This program is especially beneficial for content creators, influencers, educators, and anyone interested in speaking about Automattic products online.

Learn more about Automattic for Agencies 

Take the first step by setting up your account today. To learn more, visit WordPress.com/for-agencies or click below to apply for early access: 

Web Technology, WordPress News

Become a WordPress.com Affiliate and Elevate Your Earnings 

WordPress.com is looking for affiliates to help promote our suite of open-source products, including WordPress.com hosting, domains, Express Website Design Service, WP Job Manager, and more! If you’ve got an audience, you’ve got the potential to elevate your earnings by becoming an affiliate for one or more of our eligible products.

Getting started is simple. Sign up with your details and our team of experts will verify your account. Once approved, you can start creating affiliate campaigns for the products you’ve selected—all from your personalized dashboard. 

No matter if you’re an influencer, blogger, or reporter, WordPress.com doesn’t take much selling to get your audience on board, thanks to a strong reputation and range of built-in publishing, monetization, and promotion tools. So you can spend less time thinking about how to pitch WordPress.com and Automattic’s related products to your existing audience, and more time growing your business. As you start generating signups, you’ll see payouts of up to 100%, and a much longer than normal 30-day cookie period, so you’ll still get those commissions up to 30 days after someone clicks your links. 

Our convenient dashboard makes your affiliate marketing easier as you manage and track all your promotions for WordPress.com products in one place. Monitor your campaign’s performance, make data-driven adjustments and optimizations, and watch your commissions soar. Plus, our creative templates and tools make it easy to create content to help drive affiliate traffic. 


Become an affiliate for any of the following WordPress.com products and services:

WordPress.com hosting. Lightning-fast, secure hosting designed from the ground up for WordPress.

WordPress.com domains. Promote 350+ domain extensions, from .com to .xyz, and everything in between.

Express Website Design Service. Sites designed and built for you in four days or less by our WordPress.com Happiness Engineers.

WP Job Manager. The open source job board plugin, powering job listings for 100,000+ websites.

Sensei. The best plugin to create and sell interactive online courses with WordPress.

Our offerings extend beyond WordPress.com, too. If your audience is interested in Automattic’s other products, you can also become an affiliate for any of the following brands and manage all your campaigns in one place:


An extensive range of vetted WooCommerce extensions, themes, and services such as WooCommerce Subscriptions, Product Bundles, and WooCommerce Zapier.


Security, performance, and marketing tools made for WordPress sites by the WordPress experts, including Jetpack Security, Complete, Stats, Scan, and more. 

Akismet Anti-Spam

Scalable AI-powered comment, form, and text spam filtering with 99.99% accuracy.

Ready to partner with us and grow your income with WordPress.com or our other Automattic brands? Learn more and sign up now at wordpress.com/affiliates.  

Web Technology, WordPress News

Studio: Now Available for Windows

We recently launched Studio, our free and open source local WordPress development environment, for MacOS, and we’re happy to share that the Windows version of Studio is now available!

As a reminder, we’ve built Studio to be the fastest and simplest way to build WordPress sites locally.

A new default local WordPress development environment

In less than one month, Studio has thousands of active users, and those users have created hundreds of demo sites. Plus, since Studio is open source, we’ve received and merged bug fixes and enhancements from community users over on GitHub.

It has been so exciting to see the WordPress community embrace a better local development setup with Studio:

Last week I streamed creating a To-do app with the Interactivity API and I tried Studio by @wordpressdotcom.

Not only was it rock solid, but it has this REALLY COOL feature to host your local site.

— Ryan Welcher (@ryanwelcher) April 29, 2024

Wow! Local WordPress development 2.0 – install, work, and go straight into Visual Studio if you need to. Mac for now, but a Windows version is on its way.
PS Studio is open source, it can be forked. https://t.co/k5jaklVHIx

— Anne Bovelett (@Bovelett) April 24, 2024

Of course, we knew that a Windows version of Studio was also needed, as over 25% of WordPress developers develop on a Windows machine. We worked on a Windows version alongside the Mac version, but the Windows version required us to solve some additional challenges before making it widely available. 

Plus, developers started requesting it immediately:

Comments on our Studio announcement video

Download Studio for Windows for free today

Our free Windows version of Studio is now available, and you can get up and running with a local site on your Windows computer in just a few clicks:

Download Studio for Windows.

Install and open Studio.

Click Add site, and you’re done!

Note: If you use an early version of Studio for Windows (downloaded before May 29, 2024), please follow the steps above to install the latest version to ensure you receive updates when available.

Just like in our Mac version of Studio, Studio for Windows allows you to access WP Admin, the Site Editor, global styles, and patterns, all with just one click—and without needing to remember and enter a username or password. You can also easily open your site code in File Explorer, PhpStorm, VS Code, or your terminal for easy editing and shipping.

You can also effortlessly create demo sites on the Windows version of Studio so you can share your local work with your clients, teams, and colleagues.

Development on Studio is fast and quick thanks to our use of WordPress Playground helping us run the app behind the scenes. 

Ready to get building?

Download Studio for Windows today to start creating and running WordPress sites directly on your local Windows machine.

You can also explore the Studio documentation for more step-by-step instructions for using Studio, and if you have any thoughts, feedback, or enhancement requests, submit an issue over on GitHub.

Web Technology, WordPress News

5 Time-Saving WordPress Block Editor Tips and Tricks

From List View to keyboard shortcuts to the powerful Command Palette, the WordPress Block Editor is loaded with time-saving tricks that will streamline your workflows and ensure that you’re operating at peak efficiency. In this Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland shows us his five favorite WordPress Block Editor time savers.

Ready to get going? Start your free trial today:

Web Technology, WordPress News

How to Add Smooth Scrolling Anchor Links to Your Website

An “anchor” link is a link that takes readers to a specific spot on the same page (rather than taking them to a new page altogether). It’s like a shortcut. In most cases, clicking that link brings readers to the desired place with an abrupt jump. In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland shows you how to make that transition a smooth scroll instead of a jump, making for a more pleasant reading and browsing experience.

Ready to get going? Start your free trial today:

Web Technology, WordPress News

Introducing Scheduled Updates: Tailored Plugin Management for Your Website

In recent weeks, we’ve announced a few new tools for developers that make WordPress.com the best place to build any WordPress site: Studio local dev app, GitHub Deployments, improved navigation and user interface, and more. 

Today, we’re continuing the streak with our latest feature: scheduled updates for plugins. 

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual updates because streamlined plugin management tools are here and designed to elevate your site’s reliability and performance.

Plugin updates on your terms 

With our newly launched scheduled updates, you can set the exact time and day for updates to occur, ensuring they happen when it’s most convenient for you and your clients. Best of all, this feature is free to use on our Creator and Entrepreneur plans. We won’t name names, but update scheduling is often a paid add-on at other hosts. 

At the selected time, our system automatically checks for available updates for the plugins included in your schedule. If updates are available, the system initiates the process, starting with a health check to ensure your site’s stability. Each plugin is updated individually, with another health check performed after each update to verify everything is functioning as expected.

Should a health check fail, our system will automatically roll back the update and restore the previous version. In the rare event that a rollback is unsuccessful, our dedicated Happiness Engineers are standing by to manually restore your site and assist you further.

To stay on top of what’s running in the background, you can opt to receive an email notification after each scheduled update summarizing the plugins that were updated as well as any update or health check failures. (These emails aren’t sent if no updates are found.) Additionally, you can easily monitor the results of the most recent schedule run on the Scheduled Updates screen under Plugins → Scheduled Updates.

Why does it matter?

Let’s say you run an ecommerce store on WordPress.com. Your site relies on key plugins for inventory management and payment processing. In the past, updating plugins during business hours could lead to downtime and potentially lost sales. With scheduled updates, you can now plan updates for off-peak hours, when you’re at home restfully sleeping, ensuring essential functionality remains intact during busy periods while keeping your site secure and up-to-date. Scheduling updates for your payment processing plugin to occur every Sunday at 2:00 AM will greatly minimize shoppers’ disruptions.

Why our scheduled updates are better

No additional charge: Scheduled updates are included with our Creator and Entrepreneur plans at no extra cost. 

Multiple schedules: Create separate schedules for different plugins, offering greater flexibility and control compared to competitors.

Specific scheduling: Schedule updates at a specific hour for precise timing control.

Customizable health check paths: Specify custom paths for health checks and testing on a per-site basis, providing unparalleled flexibility. 

Granular schedule pausing: Pause individual update schedules for targeted control, a feature not offered by other hosts.

Detailed logging: Comprehensive logging of update activities, including successes, failures, and rollbacks, ensures transparency and accountability.

Faster setup: Our setup process is lightning-fast, with no need for extra information collection or onboarding.

How to get started

Creating a schedule for plugin updates is fast and convenient:

Install your desired plugins on a Creator or Entrepreneur site. (Plugins included in our plan offerings or purchased through the WordPress.com Marketplace are kept up-to-date by WordPress.com and do not need to be scheduled.)

Navigate to the Updates Manager: Plugins → Scheduled Updates. (Click here to visit the multisite update manager.)

Click “Add new schedule” and select your desired update frequency.

Choose the plugins you’d like to include in the schedule.

Click “Create” to activate your schedule.

For more details, visit our Update a Plugin or Theme support page.

Take control of your plugin updates 

Click here to get started with a free hosting trial and experience the peace of mind that comes with scheduled updates.

Stay tuned for more enhancements coming soon, including the ability to create update schedules for multiple sites at once and many more features.

Web Technology, WordPress News

3 Ways for WordPress Devs, Agencies, and Freelancers to Prepare for 2025 

It may be hard to believe, but we’re nearly halfway through 2024, which means it’s not too early to start thinking ahead to next year. In this Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland speaks with Nick Diego, a Developer Relations Advocate and Core Contributor at WordPress.org, about ensuring you’re prepared for the exciting developments in store for WordPress in 2025. 

Ready to get going? Click below to embark on your free trial today:

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