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WordPress Themes

WordPress News, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes

Streamlining Your Content Creation: Adding Images From Your Phone With Ease

The internet is rife with small annoyances, which often lead to breakthroughs in user experience. For example, needing to hit “refresh” or “next page” led to infinite scroll, which is now baked into our media consumption habits. 

Today, we’re excited to share a new feature in the desktop editor and Jetpack mobile app that eliminates one of those small annoyances and makes it a breeze to upload media to your WordPress posts and pages.   

While working in the editor on your laptop or desktop device, you can now seamlessly add photos directly from your phone. 

Here’s how to do it: 

Insert an “Image” or “Gallery” Block on your post/page. 

Click “Select Image”: From the dropdown menu, select “Your Phone.”

Use your phone to scan the QR code: This will automatically open the Jetpack app and then your photo library. 

Choose your image(s): From there, simply click the image or images you wish to add to your post/page.

Click “Add”: Watch your image(s) automagically appear in your desktop editor.

Check it out in action below:

We hope this will inspire you to snap even more photos and share them with the world. 

WordPress News, WordPress Themes

Hot Off the Press: New WordPress.com Themes for March 2024

Hot Off the Press: New WordPress.com Themes for March 2024

The WordPress.com team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, including great options for small businesses, sports fan, nostalgic bloggers, and more.

Feelin’ Good

Feelin’ Good is a vibrant (to say the least!) blog theme with a bold vaporwave aesthetic. Its nostalgic atmosphere pays homage to the daring, over-the-top visual art and advertisements of the ’80s and early ’90s. We’ve combined a lot of elements that shouldn’t work together, but do. If you’re looking for a dynamic, attention-grabbing, eye-popping visual feast of a theme, try Feelin’ Good.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

Low Fi

Low Fi is a simple blog theme featuring a narrow column layout that’s optimized for seamless browsing on mobile devices. With six style variations, you’re sure to find a palette you’re drawn to. Taking inspiration from the lo-fi beats music scene, the theme’s design cues, such as the square header image, offer a nod to album artwork.

The overall aesthetic is deliberately understated, with each element—from the muted color schemes to the textured background—crafted to evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Cakely is the ultimate WordPress theme designed specifically for passionate bakers, cake enthusiasts, and dessert lovers. Tailored for small businesses aiming to shine in the world of sweets, Cakely effortlessly combines style and functionality to showcase mouthwatering creations. Its vibrant pink color scheme exudes joy while maintaining a classy, clean layout with easy navigation. This theme ultimately strikes the perfect balance between professionalism and playfulness, making it an ideal choice for showcasing your delicious masterpieces.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Treehouse is a carefree, fun, and friendly theme ideal for Woo stores selling children’s products. With its unlimited customization options, Treehouse enables you to set up an online shop with just a few clicks. Utilizing a soft color palette, playful design details, and simplified layouts, your site will attract a wide range of customers, from young parents to over-the-moon grandparents. This theme is fully responsive and cross-browser compatible.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Major League Baseball’s 2024 season kicks off on Thursday, March 28. What better way to show your home team the love it deserves than with a baseball-themed fan site! With a somewhat old-school layout, this theme evokes some of the classic sports sites of the ’90s, back before fantasy leagues took over. The header and accent colors are customizable, ensuring that your favorite crew is properly saluted.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

To install any of the above themes, click the name of the theme you like, which brings you right to the installation page. Then click the “Activate this design” button. You can also click “Open live demo,” which brings up a clickable, scrollable version of the theme for you to preview.

Premium themes are available to use at no extra charge for customers on the Explorer plan or above. Partner themes are third-party products that can be purchased for $79/year each.

You can explore all of our themes by navigating to the “Themes” page, which is found under “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your WordPress.com dashboard. Or you can click below:

Innovative Solutions for Growth

Explore our comprehensive selection of services that cater to a variety of needs, ensuring complete customer satisfaction.

Strategic Consulting

This is a flexible section where you can share anything you want. It could be details or some information about your service one.

Digital Marketing

This is a flexible section where you can share anything you want. It could be details or some information about your service two.

WordPress News, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes

Welcome to a More Powerful WP-Admin Experience

As Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg teased in a January blog post, our team at WordPress.com is working hard to enhance our developer experience. Improving what you see in your dashboard when you log into WordPress.com is one of our biggest goals.

Today, we’re excited to unveil a more powerful wp-admin experience (if you know, you know), which will soon be available to all sites on Creator and Entrepreneur plans. Read on to find out how to get early access.

Don’t call it a comeback

For many years, the default view for WordPress.com users has been a modernized, more friendly version of the classic WordPress experience. Around the office, we call this interface “Calypso.” It offers sleek post/page management, easy profile edits, built-in tips and resources for starting or growing your site, and more.

While the Calypso interface is ideal for some folks, we’ve heard from a lot of developers that you’d prefer easy access to the classic WordPress dashboard experience. So, we’re doing just that by making it possible for wp-admin to be the default view when you log in. 

Our mission here is to empower our power users—those on Creator and Entrepreneur plans—to leverage WordPress to its fullest. This update promises:

Enhanced flexibility: Tailor your interface to seamlessly match your workflow.

A familiar, WordPress-centric experience: Enjoy an interface that feels right at home, mirroring the robust capabilities you expect from other WordPress hosts.

Superior management for complex sites: Handle sophisticated sites and client projects with ease.

While this initial launch is for Creator and Entrepreneur subscribers, our commitment extends to all WordPress.com users. We’re excited about the possibility of expanding these features to everyone in the future. 

Join the early access list

To access the wp-admin interface you know and love, please join our email list below to be considered for early access.

And stay tuned for even more updates coming your way, including a few menu and navigation changes that you won’t want to miss.

WordPress Themes

How We Built a New Home for WordPress.com Developers Using the Twenty Twenty-Four Theme

In the last few weeks, our team here at WordPress.com has rebuilt developer.wordpress.com from the ground up. If you build or design websites for other people, in any capacity, bookmark this site. It’s your new home for docs, resources, the latest news about developer features, and more. 

Rather than creating a unique, custom theme, we went all-in on using Twenty Twenty-Four, which is the default theme for all WordPress sites. 

That’s right, with a combination of built-in Site Editor functionalities and traditional PHP templates, we were able to create a site from scratch to house all of our developer resources. 

Below, I outline exactly how our team did it.

A Twenty Twenty-Four Child Theme

The developer.wordpress.com site has existed for years, but we realized that it needed an overhaul in order to modernize the look and feel of the site with our current branding, as well as accommodate our new developer documentation

You’ll probably agree that the site needed a refresh; here’s what developer.wordpress.com looked like two weeks ago:

Once we decided to redesign and rebuild the site, we had two options: 1) build it entirely from scratch or 2) use an existing theme. 

We knew we wanted to use Full Site Editing (FSE) because it would allow us to easily use existing patterns and give our content team the best writing and editing experience without them having to commit code.

We considered starting from scratch and using the official “Create Block Theme” plugin. Building a new theme from scratch is a great option if you need something tailored to your specific needs, but Twenty Twenty-Four was already close to what we wanted, and it would give us a headstart because we can inherit most styles, templates, and code from the parent theme.

We quickly decided on a hybrid theme approach: we would use FSE as much as possible but still fall back to CSS and classic PHP templates where needed (like for our Docs custom post type).

With this in mind, we created a minimal child theme based on Twenty Twenty-Four.

Spin up a scaffold with @wordpress/create-block

We initialized our new theme by running npx @wordpress/create-block@latest wpcom-developer. 

This gave us a folder with example code, build scripts, and a plugin that would load a custom block.

If you only need a custom block (not a theme), you’re all set.

But we’re building a theme here! Let’s work on that next.

Modify the setup into a child theme

First, we deleted wpcom-developer.php, the file responsible for loading our block via a plugin. We also added a functions.php file and a style.css file with the expected syntax required to identify this as a child theme. 

Despite being a CSS file, we’re not adding any styles to the style.css file. Instead, you can think of it like a documentation file where Template: twentytwentyfour specifies that the new theme we’re creating is a child theme of Twenty Twenty-Four.

Theme Name: wpcom-developer
Theme URI: https://developer.wordpress.com
Description: Twenty Twenty-Four Child theme for Developer.WordPress.com
Author: Automattic
Author URI: https://automattic.com
Template: twentytwentyfour
Version: 1.0.0

We removed all of the demo files in the “src” folder and added two folders inside: one for CSS and one for JS, each containing an empty file that will be the entry point for building our code.

The theme folder structure now looked like this:

The build scripts in @wordpress/create-block can build SCSS/CSS and TS/JS out of the box. It uses Webpack behind the scenes and provides a standard configuration. We can extend the default configuration further with custom entry points and plugins by adding our own webpack.config.js file. 

By doing this, we can:

Build specific output files for certain sections of the site. In our case, we have both PHP templates and FSE templates from both custom code and our parent Twenty Twenty-Four theme. The FSE templates need minimal (if any) custom styling (thanks to theme.json), but our developer documentation area of the site uses a custom post type and page templates that require CSS.

Remove empty JS files after building the *.asset.php files. Without this, an empty JS file will be generated for each CSS file.

Since the build process in WordPress Scripts relies on Webpack, we have complete control over how we want to modify or extend the build process. 

Next, we installed the required packages:

​​npm install path webpack-remove-empty-scripts –save-dev

Our webpack.config.js ended up looking similar to the code below. Notice that we’re simply extending the defaultConfig with a few extra properties.

Any additional entry points, in our case src/docs, can be added as a separate entry in the entry object.

// WordPress webpack config.
const defaultConfig = require( ‘@wordpress/scripts/config/webpack.config’ );

// Plugins.
const RemoveEmptyScriptsPlugin = require( ‘webpack-remove-empty-scripts’ );

// Utilities.
const path = require( ‘path’ );

// Add any new entry points by extending the webpack config.
module.exports = {
entry: {
‘css/global’: path.resolve( process.cwd(), ‘src/css’, ‘global.scss’ ),
‘js/index’: path.resolve( process.cwd(), ‘src/js’, ‘index.js’ ),
plugins: [
// Include WP’s plugin config.
// Removes the empty `.js` files generated by webpack but
// sets it after WP has generated its `*.asset.php` file.
new RemoveEmptyScriptsPlugin( {
stage: RemoveEmptyScriptsPlugin.STAGE_AFTER_PROCESS_PLUGINS
} )

In functions.php, we enqueue our built assets and files depending on specific conditions. For example, we built separate CSS files for the docs area of the site, and we only enqueued those CSS files for our docs. 


function wpcom_developer_enqueue_styles() : void {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘wpcom-developer-style’,
get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/build/css/global.css’

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘wpcom_developer_enqueue_styles’ );

We didn’t need to register the style files from Twenty Twenty-Four, as WordPress handles these inline.

We did need to enqueue the styles for our classic, non-FSE templates (in the case of our developer docs) or any additional styles we wanted to add on top of the FSE styles.

To build the production JS and CSS locally, we run npm run build. 

For local development, you can run npm run start in one terminal window and npx wp-env start (using the wp-env package) in another to start a local WordPress development server running your theme.

While building this site, our team of designers, developers, and content writers used a WordPress.com staging site so that changes did not affect the existing developer.wordpress.com site until we were ready to launch this new theme.


Twenty Twenty-Four has a comprehensive theme.json file that defines its styles. By default, our hybrid theme inherits all of the style definitions from the parent (Twenty Twenty-Four) theme.json file. 

We selectively overwrote the parts we wanted to change (the color palette, fonts, and other brand elements), leaving the rest to be loaded from the parent theme. 

WordPress handles this merging, as well as any changes you make in the editor. 

Many of the default styles worked well for us, and we ended up with a compact theme.json file that defines colors, fonts, and gradients. Having a copy of the parent theme’s theme.json file makes it easier to see how colors are referenced.

You can change theme.json in your favorite code editor, or you can change it directly in the WordPress editor and then download the theme files from Gutenberg.

Why might you want to export your editor changes? Styles can then be transferred back to code to ensure they match and make it easier to distribute your theme or move it from a local development site to a live site. This ensures the FSE page templates are kept in code with version control. 

When we launched this new theme on production, the template files loaded from our theme directory; we didn’t need to import database records containing the template syntax or global styles.

Global styles in SCSS/CSS

Global styles are added as CSS variables, and they can be referenced in CSS. Changing the value in theme.json will also ensure that the other colors are updated.

For example, here’s how we reference our “contrast” color as a border color:

border-color: var(–wp–preset–color–contrast);

What about header.php and footer.php?

Some plugins require these files in a theme, e.g. by calling get_header(), which does not automatically load the FSE header template. 

We did not want to recreate our header and footer to cover those cases; having just one source of truth is a lot better.

By using do_blocks(), we were able to render our needed header block. Here’s an example from a header template file:

$fse_header_block = do_blocks( ‘<!– wp:template-part {“slug”:”header”,”theme”:”a8c/wpcom-developer”,”tagName”:”header”,”area”:”header”, “className”:”header-legacy”} /–>’ );
<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
echo $fse_header_block;

The new developer.wordpress.com site is now live!

Check out our new-and-improved developer.wordpress.com site today, and leave a comment below telling us what you think. We’d love your feedback. 

Using custom code and staging sites are just two of the many developer features available to WordPress.com sites that we used to build our new and improved developer.wordpress.com.

If you’re a developer and interested in getting early access to other development-related features, click here to enable our “I am a developer” setting on your WordPress.com account.

WordPress Themes

Hot Off the Press: New WordPress.com Themes for February 2024

The WordPress.com team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, including great options for gamers, writers, and anyone else who creates on the web.


This magazine-style theme was built with gaming bloggers in mind, but is versatile enough to work exceptionally well for nearly any type of budding media empire. Using a classic blogging layout, we’ve combined modern WordPress technology—Blocks, Global Styles, etc.—with a nostalgic aesthetic that hearkens to the earlier days of the internet.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Whether you’re a casual observer or a diehard rain-or-shine follower, fandom means a lot of things to a lot of people. Allez is a perfect theme to chronicle that part of who you are. Built with sports-focused content in mind, the layout, styling, and patterns used all speak to that niche. That said, WordPress is versatile enough that if you like the overall feel of Allez, it can easily be customized to your particular endeavor.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Strand is a simple newsletter and blogging theme with a split layout, similar to Poesis. We placed the newsletter subscription form in the sticky left column, so that it’s always visible and accessible. It’s a simple design, but one we really like for the minimalist writer who puts more emphasis on words than visual panache.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Inspired by the iconic worlds of Minecraft and Minetest (an open-source game engine), this blogging theme was designed to replicate the immersive experience of these games. While encapsulating the essence of virtual realms, we also wanted to ensure that the theme resonated with the Minecraft aesthetic regardless of the content it hosts.

At the heart of Bedrock is a nostalgic nod to the classic blog layout, infused with a distinctive “mosaic” texture. The sidebar sits confidently on every page and houses a few old-school elements like a tag cloud, a blogroll, and recent posts, all rendered with a touch of the game’s charm. If this theme speaks to you, give it a shot today.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Nook is another blogging theme that offers a delightful canvas for your DIY projects, delicious recipes, and creative inspirations. It’s also easily extensible to add paid products or courses. Our aim here was to create an elegant and timeless look with a sense of warmth and familiarity. The typography and color palette feature high-contrast elements that evoke coziness and comfort.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

To install any of the above themes, click the name of the theme you like, which brings you right to the installation page. Then click the “Activate this design” button. You can also click “Open live demo,” which brings up a clickable, scrollable version of the theme for you to preview.

Premium themes are available to use at no extra charge for customers on the Explorer plan or above. Partner themes are third-party products that can be purchased for $79/year each.

You can explore all of our themes by navigating to the “Themes” page, which is found under “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your WordPress.com dashboard. Or you can click below:

WordPress Themes

Unleash Your Creativity With Our “Design Your Own Theme” Webinar

Selecting the design of your website is a critical initial step in establishing your online identity. Our “Design Your Own Theme” feature is a game-changer, offering a variety of Block Patterns to create a unique aesthetic. These Block Patterns provide tremendous flexibility, enabling you to mix and match design elements with ease, ensuring a truly custom and cohesive look across your site.

With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, our design assembler enables quick layout and style changes. You can easily add, remove, or reposition sections of your website, bypassing the need for complex manual editing. Ultimately, it allows you to explore our diverse design concepts in a user-friendly setting.

We’re offering two sessions of this informative webinar—February 13 and February 28—where we will illustrate how to build a custom website using this innovative tool. The webinar is 100% free to attend and will include a live Q&A session to address all your questions.

More February webinars: SEO Foundations and AI-Assisted WordPress

SEO Foundations

Elevate your website’s visibility with our “SEO Foundations” webinar. Delve into essential techniques as well as how our built-in tools can transform your site’s search engine performance. Our Happiness Engineers will guide you through integrating effective SEO strategies so that readers and customers will find you with ease.

AI-Assisted WordPress

Transform your approach to content creation with our “AI-Assisted WordPress” webinar. We’ll guide you through using our innovative Jetpack AI Assistant, which has been built help you brainstorm, edit, and generally assist all your writing efforts. Join us and step into a new realm of efficient and creative content production.

WordPress Themes

Create a Stellar Resume Using Any WordPress.com Theme

If one of your 2024 goals is to take your career to the next level, it’s worth taking a hard look at your resume. In a world where bots are scanning resumes for keywords, doing something unique—like creating a website just for your resume—is perhaps risky, but can help you stand out from the pack. And even if you aren’t actively looking for a new workplace, having a resume-focused site is great for your personal brand. 

Today, we’re going to show you how to use (nearly) any WordPress.com theme to create a stellar resume website. 

An example using the Bibliophile theme.

1. Choose a theme. 

For the purposes of your resume site, think less about the structure of the theme and more about the overall aesthetics. Whether you’re going for fun and retro or more buttoned-up, think about your industry and what represents you most clearly. As you’re scrolling through our showcase, pay attention to any theme that stands out before you even really think about it—the one that makes you say, “Ooh, that one is cool.”

2. Publish your resume items as posts. 

Once you select a theme, start adding content. Turn each section of your resume into its own post: 

Career objective and personal statement 


Work experience #1 

Work experience #2 

Work experience #3 

Certifications, memberships, and additional skills 

Depending on the theme, it may make sense to publish them in a specific order that reads the best on a visual level. For example, put your career objective at the top, then your most recent work experience, etc. You can also edit publish dates to move things around in the way that fits best with the theme you choose. 

3. Add pages 

In addition to utilizing posts that list out your resume items, you should also include at least two pages: 



On the “About” page, feel free to tell your story in a slightly more casual way—while still maintaining an appropriate level of professionalism for your industry. On the “Contact” page, you can either use our built-in Contact Form block or simply provide your email address. (We don’t recommend putting your phone number directly on your site.)  

If you hit the “Preview & Customize” button on any theme page, you’ll be brought to our site preview feature, which shows your site using that theme. Try it out! This is an example with the Pixl theme.

You might also want to add additional pages, depending on your career. 

If you’re a writer or artist, including a “Portfolio” or “Work Examples” page is a good idea.

For a software engineer, a showcase of projects or code snippets you worked on may be a valuable addition. 

If you have LinkedIn recommendations or other testimonials of your work, a “Testimonials” page may be in order. 

Finally, no matter your field, pages like “Hobbies” or “Volunteering” can add some personal flavor and show prospective employers that you’re more than just an automaton.  

4. Ship it, and update as needed! 

This is an example using the fun and nostalgic Dos theme.

Once your posts and pages are published, share your site with the world! Or, as we say around here: ship it. Share your shiny new site on social media, include the URL in any doc/PDF resumes you send out (cover letters, too), and add it to your email signature. 

Whether you’re searching for a job or not, be sure to actively update your site with any new jobs, roles, achievements, etc. 

WordPress Themes

Hot Off the Press: New WordPress.com Themes for January 2024

The WordPress.com team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, including great options for small businesses, entrepreneurs in the coaching space, and a number of other beautiful and versatile designs.


Your literary haven, on the web. This partner theme was designed with book lovers of all kinds in mind. Built-in features include curated collections, newsletter integration, robust search functionality, mobile-friendly responsiveness, and more. Whether you’re operating a physical bookstore or simply sharing your literary enthusiasm with the world, Bookix is the ideal block theme.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Annalee is tailor-made for personal coaches. Its front page is both streamlined and informative, while providing options for videos, images, courses, and more. Its design—characterized by pronounced contrasts in color and typography—exudes an approachable and welcoming ambiance. For any kind of coach looking to bolster their brand and professionalize their online presence, Annalee is the ticket.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Kaze is a simple, three-column theme in which the left-hand column is a “sticky” menu while the right two columns scroll. The ample white space (or, in this case, black space) combined with a small font type makes for an elegant and modern vibe. Though this theme was created with architecture firms in mind, it’s suitable for any small business where design and professionalism are paramount.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Utilizing the familiar messaging interface that we all know and love, Messagerie brings a decidedly casual and playful style to your blog. Featuring stripped down text bubbles on a spare background, you don’t to have to worry about complicated extras or high-impact visuals—let the words speak for themselves.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.


Built from the bones of one of our classic blogging themes (Resonar), Tronar provides a sleek design for bloggers that combines a little bit of old-school internet nostalgia with modern simplicity. With a large, immersive featured image/post at the top and a feed of posts below, your content is front and center with this theme.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

To install any of the above themes, click the name of the theme you like, which brings you right to the installation page. Then click the “Activate this design” button. You can also click “Open live demo,” which brings up a clickable, scrollable version of the theme for you to preview.

Premium themes are available to use at no extra charge for customers on the Explorer plan or above. Partner themes are third-party products that can be purchased for $79/year each.

You can explore all of our themes by navigating to the “Themes” page, which is found under “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your WordPress.com dashboard. Or you can click below:

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