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Xoops CMS News

PingTrax 1.04 – Pingbacks +Trackbacks +Sitemaps

Chronolabs Cooperative

… Presents …

PingTrax 1.04


PingTrax 1.04 is a module that uses auto discovery to generate links to send to PingLists as well as allow for Permalink’s for trackbacks on all your public site! It has a plugin’s system if you want to use it to customise your module input’s into PingTrax but this isn’t required to operate on the system.

There is a smarty function which output a table for the permalink which is <{xoTrackbacks}> or <{xoTrackbacks dirname=$xoops_dirname}> this will output when you put it in your theme the permalink as well as any trackbacks that have been linked to the site.

It utilises preloader events to maintain the pinglists as well as trackbacks; but it also generates your sitemaps as well in xml in the root and alters the robots.txt to reflect the sitemaps. This is all through auto discovery so there is very little you have to do to use this module in base mode. There is also in the the include folder 3 text files which are used in order to specify root names for Id’s and identity tags in the $_GET path of the URL in case you need to do some basic customisation without having any knowledge of how to write a plugin’s class.

I have attempted too make this module fluid and dynamic so it is easy to implement! It will list your site on the web quickly and effectively, so please download and install it is for XOOPS 2.5.8 or later.


** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.04.7z – 50.3k
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.04.tar.bz2 – 54.0k
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.04.zip – 92.5k
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.04.tar.gz – 62.2k

Bug Reports

This is being released for testing purposes, the actual release will be in the news as version 1.04. If you have a bug please use the following form and report it:-https://sourceforge.net/p/chronolabs/tickets/new/

Xoops CMS News

MyMenus 1.51 Final, with Drag & Drop, Is Released

Thanks to Bleekk and the XOOPS Germany team, we have now “Drag & Drop” incorporated into MyMenus Module.

In the picture below, you can see the links as bars that you can drag around to set the sorting, as well as the sub-links:

Also incorporated are changes from Luciorota, who added an option to use skins from the theme.

As always, it is great to see when developers are working as team and are helping each other!

If you find any bugs, please report them here, or directly on GitHub:


As always, we encourage everybody to fork it and help us by contributing back to the development.

Download: GitHub

Development: GitHub

Tutorial: GitBook

You can contribute to the tutorial, as well as provide translation, on GitHub XOOPS Docs

Check out XOOPS on GitHub: Let’s Get involved!

Xoops CMS News

Release of xmcontent version 0.21

I am pleased to announce the release of xmcontent 0.21 final!

Xmcontent is a simple content module for XOOPS. This module allows create content pages. The main point on the module:
• Individual permissions for all contents.
• Keywords (SEO) per content editable.
• Description (SEO) per content editable.
• Header and footer Customizable on the module home page.
• Selection xoops editor.

What’s new in version 0.21:
• Use a css file personalized by content (you can add a custom css to a content).
• Use a template file personalized by content (you can add a custom template to a content).
• The XOOPS search is integrated.
• A short description of the content is available on the module home page

This is only the beginning, if you have suggestions for future versions is here:suggestions

Download: Releases
Bugs: Issues

The modules are optimized to run on the 2.5.8 version of XOOPS, but it works on 2.5.7.

Important: The templates use Bootstrap, so you must use a Bootstrap theme, e.g. xBootstrap that comes with XOOPS 2.5.8

Xoops CMS News

XOOPS PHPMailer Security Patches Released

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of security patches for XOOPS 2.5.8 and XOOPS

These patches includes the latest version of PHPMailer to address a serious vulnerability. All XOOPS users are encouraged to update as soon as possible.

Both full distributions and patch files (from the most recent prior release) for both the 2.5.7 and 2.5.8 series are available.

Any users that are running older XOOPS versions are advised to update to XOOPS now.


Release files are available on GitHub.

The files are also mirrored on the XOOPS File Repository on SourceForge


Release files are available on the XOOPS File Repository on SourceForge

Xoops CMS News

XOOPS Website in transition

In the next few weeks the XOOPS Website will be very busy, with a lot of work happening in the front of you!

Instead of making a secret out of it, and then creating a huge splash out of it, we’ve decided to just go ahead and make changes to the Website as we go.

What is happening:

1) We are moving to PHP 7. Originally we were on 5.4, and this weekend we moved to PHP 5.6, as as soon as our host offers PHP 7, we’ll be ready.

2) We’ve also moved the Website to the latest XOOPS Core, so we can test it here before we officially release it.

3) We are also updating all modules that are being used here, which will help us, of course with your help, to discover any bugs

We have updated the NewBB Forums to the latest version, as well as News. We’ll be converting soon the News to Publisher, as strategically that’s what we want to invest our time in.

And we’ll be adding some new cool modules, like the one upcoming wgTimelines developed by Goffy from Germany. We’ll transition our “XOOPS Innovators” and “XOOPSer of the Month” awards there. The work on the converting the “XOOPS Innovators” to the wgTimelines has already started – you can check it out herehttps://xoops.org/modules/wgtimelines/

What else?

We have moved modules developed by Wishcraft to one location on GitHub (read more here), so you can check them out, fork, and contribute back.

We have also created one GitHub location for various XOOPS D3 modules. If you’re curious what the D3 modules are, please read more here

Of course, we hope that you’ll help us on this journey as we’re moving closer to the next release of XOOPS

And in case you were wondering, yes, we’re looking for a new responsive theme for this updated Website! So if you would like to design a new theme for us, please let us know…

Xoops CMS News

10 Bootstrap Themes converted to XOOPS (Alpha release)

I started a conversion of 10 Bootstrap themes to XOOPS, but I’ll need help from some of our XOOPS Design Experts!











I also played a little bit with Materialize, so maybe somebody can continue with it:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This was only a “Proof of Concept” study about how quickly could we convert Bootstrap Themes to XOOPS. These themes are in ALPHA release, and will need some help from our XOOPS Designers before they become usable.

Therefore please DO NOT use them on production sites. However, please fork them, improve them, and help us with development.




Xoops CMS News

MyMenus 1.52 Final, with Drag & Drop, Is Released

MyMenus 1.52 Final for XOOPS 2.5.8+ and PHP 5.5+ (incl. PHP 7) has been released – this release fixes issues with static methods discovered by Goffy.

Thanks to Bleekk and the XOOPS Germany team, we have now “Drag & Drop” incorporated into MyMenus Module.

In the picture above, you can see the links as bars that you can drag around to set the sorting, as well as the sub-links:

Also incorporated are changes from Luciorota, who added an option to use skins from the theme.

As always, it is great to see when developers are working as team and are helping each other!

Download: GitHub

Issues/Bugs: please report them directly on GitHub

As always, we encourage everybody to fork it and help us by contributing back to the development.

Development: GitHub

Tutorial: GitBook

You can contribute to the tutorial, as well as provide translation, on GitHub XOOPS Docs

Check out XOOPS on GitHub: Let’s Get involved!

Xoops CMS News

Userlog 1.17 Alpha2 released for XOOPS 2.5.8 and PHP 7

We are happy to announce the UserLog 1.17 Alpha 2 module for XOOPS 2.5.8 and PHP 7


Userlog is a node logger which can log your user/visitor activities in your site from a preferred node.
This is a very useful tool for webmasters in busy sites. For example, you can log your other Admins navigation.

Minimum Requirements:
XOOPS 2.5.8
PHP 5.5
MySQL 5.0

If you find any bugs, please report them here, or directly on GitHub:


As always, we encourage everybody to fork it and help us by contributing back to the development.

Download: GitHub

Development: GitHub

Tutorial: GitBook (just started – we need help!!!!

You can contribute to the tutorial, as well as provide translation, on GitHub XOOPS Docs

Check out XOOPS on GitHub: Let’s Get involved!

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